No. 1299
includes updates up until 16.VIII.2024
Read this issue in English
WARNING: This website is not an official ITU resource. The data on this website has not been validated. Users of the ITU Operational Bulletin are encouraged to refer to the official ITU Operational Bulletin issues.
ITU Operational Bulletin is the medium for the exchange of information on changes in international telecommunication networks and services. Each edition includes informational notices and amendments to ITU Service Publications. (Read more about ITU OB.)
ITU OB Online is an effort to make the ITU Operational Bulletin messages and associated Service Publications easier to view & navigate via fully-featured Web interface and machine-readable APIs.
While the information is being filled in, some editions of ITU OB and ITU Service Publications may be missing here. In such cases please refer to authoritative ITU OB resource on ITU website.
includes updates up until 16.VIII.2024
Read this issue in English